1976 >> November >> CD221 Whitall Tatum  

CD221 Whitall Tatum

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 1976, page 38

(re the CD 221 Whitall Tatum sold by Dee Willett at Berea)

Dear Dora,

We had a great time at the Berea, Ohio, show and are looking forward to the Oroville show Oct. 23-24. I know this will also be a very good one, as it has been in the past.

The insulator you inquired about is a CD 221 Whitall Tatum Co. No. 514, beautiful deep red amber. Last year at the Winter Haven, Fla. show, I talked with the late Mr. Marion Milholland in regard to this insulator, and I quote him: "The one I have in my collection and the one you have are the only two I know about."

Whitall-Tatum production report for insulators made by them 1925 through 1938 shows a total of 558 of the CD 221-514 amber were made. An inventory in 1947 shows that Whitall-Tatum still had 558 on hand. They probably never got an order for this style, and hauled them off to the dump ground. (Where is the dump?)

This is how two happened to survive. A lady employee took them home and painted them, and is using them for door stops, when found by M. Milholland.
Dee Willett

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